Upcoming Courses
Creativity is Play
Next dates:
The next creativity is play course dates will be:
February 24th - March 1st
April 28th - May 3rd
Through play and being free you will find that you can be creative without really trying. You will see that being creative is as natural as breathing. It is part of us, as long as we don't stifle it, which we often do.
Through play, letting go and loosening up you will get in touch with your deepest source of creativity; with what I call the Horse. The object of this course is to liberate your Horse so that you will know and understand it and be able to follow it where it goes. It is a transformational experience; quite possibly, likely, you will change.
My job is to facilitate this; to set up projects which will allow this
to happen, to let your Horse run free, and to support you. You'll do
things e.g. very fast, or with a short time limit, or with your eyes
closed. You will play, be free, and learn that the way to be most
creative is not to be attached to the end product, but to be in the
moment, playing, now.
When we are responsive to what is happening during play, when we have
an open mind, and lose all attachment to having to produce a 'work of
art', that is when IT happens. By It I mean creativity. And when we
are being mot creative we are most ourselves, so you will discover
more about yourselves too. You JUST DO IT, instinctively,
spontaneously, playfully.
We will do this through clay and drawings and occasionally going to the beach. You might want to paint, draw, to throw on the wheel (if so then there is an opportunity to do creative throwing), to make figures, to make sculptural forms. You may already know, you may not. And because each person is different, each course is different.
Each group is small, usually around six or so. The conversations are very important as it is through the conversations that you develop a heightened awareness of what you are doing. It is quite intensive.
Six day courses £850 non-residential (with a deposit of £100). It includes lunch and a
generous use of materials. There are several B&B's right close by
at various prices. Info will
be sent on booking.
By car coming from the East take exit 27 from the M5, onto the A361 to
Barnstaple, where it becomes the A39, go towards Bideford and then
over the new bridge which bypasses Bideford, then at the roundabout
immediately afterwards, turn right to Appledore, then after 3/4 mile,
first right to Appledore. When you come down the hill into Appledore there is a fork right which is NewQuay St. The Studio and Museum building is the big blue one with yellow windows about 50 yards down. Don’t turn right as there is no parking there, so carry on forward where the road runs beside the estuary and look for a parking place in the road. If there isn’t one, then carry on round to the end of the Quay where there is a pay and display
By Train:
The nearest train station is Barnstaple which is on the branch line
from Exeter; from London use Paddington Station to Exeter, then change
at Barnstaple, then taxi or bus to Appledore. Barnstaple is ten miles
By Coach:
There is a twice daily bus from Victoria Coach Station in London to
Bideford, then bus or taxi the two miles to Appledore.

To Book:
Please book early by sending a cheque for £50.
To bring: An open mind, a camera (or video camera if you have one), a
journal, and clothes you can make a mess in.
is a beautiful part of the world; there are lovely walks around the
isthmus which has a calm tidal estuary on one side and Atlantic
rollers on the other. The village is the home of active fishing
trawlers and you will be in my house for lunch which is right on the
waterfront with lovely views of the estuary. Your studio is in our new
large exciting building just down the road, the old Glove Factory.
If you would like further information please email
me or phone +44-(0)1237-478219. SB

Creativity is Play
Lorna Howarth reviews the ceramics course led by Sandy Brown
I really didn’t know what to expect from this course except that, as it is listed by the Crafts Council as being one of the best creativity courses in the world, I knew it would be good. And I wasn’t disappointed. I loved how the clay felt in my hands: cool, sensuous and pliable. Under Sandy’s guidance, I began to play with the clay, experimenting, following my own ideas and going with the flow of my energy. It was so pleasurable. Sandy’s directions were always encouraging, insightful and supportive and her approach opened within me a degree of creativity I never knew I had. It was an astonishing, and for me, life-changing process. I now know that I have a fertile imagination! I absolutely recommend this course to anyone who enjoys the possibilities of creative exploration.